What is sustainable finance?

Sustainable finance builds on traditional financing by adding a focus on sustainable outcomes and impact. When talking about sustainable finance, Environment, social and governance form the basis of these sustainable finance outcomes. These three pillars help businesses reach their climate initiatives.

Unsure of what Sustainable Finance encompasses? Check out our 101s: 5 experts, 5 topics, 5 answers simplifying real solutions to help you get to net zero.

Sustainable Lending

Sustainable lending focuses on how environmental, social and governance considerations play a central role in credit decisions. Because sustainable finance is far broader than the company itself understanding the businesses initiatives is crucial when helping a company's strategy towards sustainability be achieved.

By Sam Stockwin, Head of Technology, Media & Telecoms, HSBC Global Banking North America

Sustainable Supply Chains and ESG

Increasingly, companies are requiring their suppliers to adhere to minimum sustainability standards in their own operations. Compliance with sustainability standards in the supply chain requires suppliers to make necessary investments, which comes at a cost. Therefore, a typical supply chain finance solution is able to provide financing for suppliers and can be enabled through a buyers bank like HSBC.

By Priyamvada Singh, Regional Head - Transaction Advisory, Global Trade Solutions, HSBC US

The Energy Transition

The climate change crisis continues to a leading issue and requires us to act fast by taking emissions associated with fossil fuels ot of the atmosphere, and implement a complete energy system transformation. Reducing emissions will lead to a safer ecosystem.

By Zoe Knight, MD, Group Head, HSBC Centre of Sustainable Finance

Venture Growth Financing and Cleantech

Companies should consider Venture and Growth finance as part of their strategy because it reduces dilution and increases optionality. This benefits companies by extending their runway by 12-6 months, allows companies to be more agile, and provides a safety net for unforeseen events.

By Prasant Chunduru, Global Head of Venture Debt at HSBC US

ESG Ratings and Reporting

ESG ratings are provided by third part providers who assess a company, a bank, an issuer across environmental, social and governance factors. Many ESG providers are reliant upon the public discloses that companies are making. Learn more about ESG Ratings and Reporting in the video below.

By Julie Bennett, MD, Head of ESG and Strategic Solutions, HSBC Global Banking Americas

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Sustainable Finance 101s

Unsure of what Sustainable Finance encompasses? Check out our 101s: 5 experts, 5 topics, 5 answers simplifying real solutions to help you get to net zero.

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We’re committed to a sustainable future and dedicating between $750bn and $1trn, alongside expert guidance and support, to help our clients - their partners and networks - transition to a low carbon economy. So we can all thrive in a greener tomorrow.

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